Tuesday, 6 January 2009

New Media Technologies and all that stuff

I am running a revision session for NMT resits - we will hope to cover the basics but you will need to do some focussed research if yu intend to improve your grade. There is no miracle cure here, however, the paper is only an hour long. It's about AUDIENCES and INSTITUTIONS - therefore having some opinions about them in relation to your case studies is the way in which you'll get marks.

If you ask yourself who benefits from NMT and how? Then you are half way there. Add some details about the rise of download culture annd the rise of the i-pod and you'll find you've run out of time.

Having an argument - actually having a viewpoint will improve your performance.

Below are a number of YouTube sourced videos that deal with the impact of the internet on the music industry and the ways in which the institutions and audiences have responded to these changes.

Below are two shorts from Apple - evey year Apple announce their new products at a state of the art conference in California - watch the videos below and consider the ways in which the institutions is responding to the demands of the audience or shaping their desires. Does Apple really need to introduce new product into the market? If so, why do you think this is?

As Dylan said - The times they are a changing

1 comment:

Joseph Smith said...

My shocking cinema blog.