Tuesday, 24 February 2009

The Film Owl speaks

Create your own Animation

This rocks

Wordle: Film Studies FM2 Identity

Sunday, 8 February 2009

here is work - i am away - i will be back

some work for you

Year 13 - Thinking about Short Film
We need to start to thinking about the creative project for FS4 - i want you to start your initial research into short film. Visit the bbc.co.uk/shortfilm website and view at least 5 short films -
Consider the following questions

What do they have in common?
What codes and conventions do they follow?
How is narrative developed?
How is performance used in these films?

Homework - Bring back five fleshed out ideas for after half term

Year 11

Year 11 have been working on SECTION A and SECTION B - developing their files and finishing their evaluations of SECTION B.

They will need to work on this - their files are in the classroom - they need to work in the editing suite and ICT room.